

Sustainable Development

Fluid Grids

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

It is important to balance economic, environmental and social considerations in the course of development, which is what sustainable development is all about.

Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Energy & Our Environment

Energy is all around us, simply as heat and light, and in more complex mechanical, electrical, chemical and nuclear forms. Find an overview of how you can be energy efficient.

Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme

In recognition of the need to improve energy efficiency in Hong Kong, the Government has introduced a voluntary energy efficiency labelling scheme. Learn more about the scheme, the types of appliances and equipment it covers, and where you can check if a product is registered.

Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme

To further facilitate the public in choosing energy efficient appliances and raise public awareness on energy saving, the Government has introduced a mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (EELS) through the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance.

Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings

Another energy efficiency initiative is the Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings. This voluntary scheme encourage building owners achieving better energy performance beyond the statutory requirements.

Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (Cap. 610)

To improve building energy efficiency, the Government formulated the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance. Under the Ordinance, certain prescribed types of buildings have to comply with Building Energy Code (BEC) and/or Energy Audit Code (EAC).

Scheme on Fresh Water Cooling Towers

The use of fresh water cooling towers can significantly reduce electricity consumption in air conditioning. The Government has launched a voluntary scheme on fresh water cooling towers for non-domestic buildings in designated areas. For premises outside the designated areas, applications are also welcomed subject to adequacy of fresh water supply.

Scheme of Control Agreements

The electricity market in Hong Kong has all along been regulated through the Scheme of Control Agreements (SCAs) signed between the Government and the two power companies. The SCAs set out the obligations of the companies, the returns for shareholders and the arrangements by which the Government monitors the companies' electricity-related financial affairs.


Greening Hong Kong

This article outlines the benefits of greening for our environment, the Hong Kong Government's greening policy, greening and tree management work, and ways in which you can take part in greening Hong Kong.

Greening Hong Kong

Green Buildings

Hong Kong is committed to building a sustainable future and to ensuring that our future generations can continue to thrive in a clean and green environment. This article talks about how to achieve sustainability in buildings, with case studies and examples.

Renewable Energy

Feed-in Tariff

The Feed-in Tariff Scheme is an important new initiative to promote community participation in the development of renewable energy under the current Scheme of Control Agreements. Financial incentives are offered to encourage people to install solar or wind energy generation systems at their premises.

Renewable Energy Certificates

The Renewable Energy Certificates (RE Certificates) Scheme is one of the important RE initiatives introduced under the current Scheme of Control Agreements. Under this scheme, RE Certificates are sold by the power companies for units of electricity from RE sources such that buyers can claim their operation or activities are carbon-free.

Installation of Renewable Energy Systems

This article provides general information on installing solar energy generation system at your premises, connecting it to the grid and receiving Feed-in Tariff payment.

Facilitation Measures for Development of Renewable Energy

Apart from the Feed-in Tariff and Renewable Energy (RE) Certificates Schemes, various facilitation measures have been introduced to further promote the development of RE.

Key Government Renewable Energy Projects

The Government is committed to exploiting our modest renewable energy (RE) potential as fully as possible. The Government has taken the lead to install a number of large-scale RE systems at government premises and many other major projects are being planned.

Renewable Energy Target

The Government will strive to increase the share of RE in the fuel mix for electricity generation from less than 1% at present to 7.5% to 10% by 2035, and further increase it to 15% before 2050.

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Last review date: October 2024