Overview of Major Labour Legislation
Find an overview of major labour legislation currently in force in Hong Kong.
Find an overview of major labour legislation currently in force in Hong Kong.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about legislation on employment, employees' compensation and occupational safety and health.
Here you can find out more information on the Statutory Minimum Wage.
Here you can find out information on the Statutory Minimum Wage exemption for student interns and work experience students.
Look up the full text of legislation related to employees' rights and benefits in Hong Kong, including the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, the Pneumoconiosis and Mesothelioma (Compensation) Ordinance and the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance.
Check out the statutory holidays for 2025.
Check out the statutory holidays for 2024.
Here you can find out the information on eliminating age discrimination in employment.
Find the full text of the Code that aims to facilitate self-regulation on the part of employers and employees in eliminating discriminatory practices in employment on the ground of sexual orientation.
Find the full text of the Codes that give employers and employees practical guidelines on how to prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex, disability, family status and race in the workplace.
Find the guidelines on how to prevent and deal with discrimination in the workplace and learn about what to do if you are discriminated against.
This Code provides practical guidance to employers and their staff on how to properly handle personal data related to each phase of the employment process.
Learn about the employment rights of young persons and children under the law and their employers' obligations.
The booklet provides reference guidelines to employers and employees on work arrangements in times of adverse weather and “extreme conditions”.
You can learn more about the differences in the rights and benefits enjoyed by an employee and a contractor/self-employed person.
A sample contract of employment is provided here for reference.