Culture, Leisure & Sports
Culture, Leisure & Sports
Heritage & Museums
Fluid Grids
Check out what exhibitions are being held at different museums throughout Hong Kong.
Recommended Routings
Check out recommended routings covering museums and other attractions in their vicinity.
Museums Managed by Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)
Check out the full list of museums managed by LCSD as well as related contacts, location and opening hours.

Museum Pass
Check out the fees, privilege offers and application details of Museum Pass here.
Other Museums in Hong Kong
Find out about other museums dedicated to special interest areas in Hong Kong, such as the Police Museum, Hong Kong Maritime Museum and Racing Museum.
Heritage and Museums
Learn about the Government’s efforts in heritage conservation, details of heritage activities, related online resources and the museums managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Science and Astronomy Activities
Learn about the science and astronomy facilities activities provided by the Government at the Hong Kong Space Museum, the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Astropark at High Island Reservoir, including permanent and special exhibitions, participatory displays, star gazing opportunities and much more.

Conserve and Revitalise Hong Kong Heritage
This website provides you with online information about our heritage conservation work. It also serves as a platform and digital store for heritage-related information.
Geographical Information System on Hong Kong Heritage
A platform providing information of declared monuments, graded historic buildings, and sites of archaeological interest in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Archaeological Archive System
A database featuring important archaeological findings in Hong Kong through photos, artefact information and interactive 360-degree viewing of the important unearthed artefacts and the related materials.
The Antiquities and Monuments Office
The Antiquities and Monuments Office protects and preserves archaeological and built heritage of Hong Kong, and promotes public awareness of heritage conservation through education programmes and public engagement. Learn more about its mission and activities here, including heritage conservation, research, exhibitions, lectures, docent services, and community engagement.
Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre
The Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre provides a platform for heritage education and promotion. Various education and promotional activities are organised to enhance public understanding of the cultural legacy, for exploration and enjoyment.
Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre
Revitalised from the Old Ping Shan Police Station built in 1899, the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre introduces the history and artefacts of the Tang clan, as well as the heritage sites along the Trail.
Heritage Trails and Historic Building Clusters
The Antiquities and Monuments Office sets up the Ping Shan Heritage Trail, Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail, Central and Western Heritage Trail and “HKU Heritage Sights and Sites” to link up historic buildings and heritage sites. To facilitate visitors to better understand the historical development and appreciate the architectural aesthetics, pamphlets are available online, and audio guide for the “HKU Heritage Sights and Sites” is also available.
Calendar for Community Recreation
& Sports Programmes
Major Events Calendar for
Cultural Programmes
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