Government, Law & Order

Government, Law & Order


Fluid Grids

The Rights of the Individuals

Human Rights

Learn more about the human rights issues.

Equal Opportunities

The Government is firmly committed to promoting equal opportunities for all and eliminating all forms of discrimination. We have-as appropriate-adopted various legislative, administrative, and/or educational measures to promote equal opportunities for people of different gender, family status, sexual orientation and race.

Protection of Personal Data

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance aims to protect the individual's right to privacy with respect to personal data.

Access to Information Policy

It is Government policy to make available as much information as possible so that the public can better understand how we formulate and implement policy, and so more effectively monitor Government performance.

Women's Commission

The Women's Commission was set up to promote the interests and well-being of women in Hong Kong. Find out more about the Commission's work here.

Elderly Commission

The Elderly Commission was established to provide advice to the Government in the formulation of a comprehensive policy in caring for elders. Find out more about the Commission’s work here.

Race Relations Unit (RRU)

The RRU is the secretariat to the Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony and provides support services to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Find out how the RRU works to promote equal opportunities and learn about their services aimed towards the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Unit (GISOU)

The GISOU aims to enhance the equal opportunities for people of different sexual orientation in Hong Kong. It manages the Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme and maintains a hotline for enquiries and complaints. Learn more about its work here.

How to Give Notice of Public Meetings or Processions in Hong Kong

How to Give Notice of Public Meetings or Processions in Hong Kong

Under the Basic Law of the HKSAR and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, citizens have the freedom or right to peaceful assembly and public processions in Hong Kong. Here you can find the details on how to give notification of holding public meetings or processions in Hong Kong.

Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection

The Consumer Council protects consumer interests in Hong Kong and raises consumer issues for general discussion. Check out the most recent consumer alerts, make complaints or enquiries and know more about your consumer rights.

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre

The Financial Dispute Resolution Centre is a non-profit making organisation facilitating resolution of monetary disputes between consumers of financial services (individuals, sole proprietors and small enterprises) and their financial institutions, primarily by a "mediation first, arbitration next" approach.

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Last review date: April 2022