Market Information & Statistics

Market Information & Statistics

Economic Report & Business Statistics

Fluid Grids

Key Economic and Social Indicators

Check out the latest key economic and social indicators in Hong Kong such as gross domestic product (GDP), prices, labour and population through this website.

Hong Kong Economy

Check out the latest Hong Kong economic trends, economic reports and key economic indicators through this web site.

Hong Kong Economy

Statistics on External Trade

Check out the latest statistics on Hong Kong external trade through this website.

Hong Kong Property Review

This annual publication reviewing the state of the property market in the previous calendar year, contains comprehensive information and statistical data on property stock, completions, take-up, vacancy, forecast completions, average rents, prices and indices by main property types.

Hong Kong Property Review

Monthly Property Market Statistics

Check out the latest monthly property market statistics including average rents and prices, indices, number of sales by various types of properties here.

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Last review date: October 2024