Doing Business in/with the Mainland

Doing Business in/with the Mainland

Business Information on China

Fluid Grids

Resources on China Trade

Looking for resources to help you explore the Mainland market? The portal provides comprehensive business news, trends and statistics, laws and regulations, market profiles, guides to doing business and working in the Mainland, plus specific studies and papers on topical issues.

Resources on China Trade

Extract from Guide to Doing Business in China

This Guide is designed to help Hong Kong's SMEs to grasp basic and correct information in venturing into the China market by providing basic guidance on doing business in the Mainland.

Extract from Guide to Doing Business in China

Pan-Pearl River Delta

Find out more on the statistics, strategies and policies, business opportunities and collaboration plans within the Pan-Pearl River Delta region. They are Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces, and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao (9+2).  (Available in Simplified Chinese only)

The HKSAR’s Work in Complementing the National 14th Five-Year Plan

Find out more on the HKSAR's work in complementing the National 14th Five-Year Plan.

Mainland China Provinces and Provincial Capitals Information

HKTDC keeps updating over 30 Mainland China municipalities, provinces and the provincial capitals profiles, including general background, major economic indicators, industry groups, consumer markets, etc.

Mainland China Provinces and Provincial Capitals Information

China Retail Sales

HKTDC provides macro indicators of China retail sales and related industry sectors information such as new cars, sports goods, supermarkets, computers and peripherals, communications equipment, etc.

China Retail Sales

China Custom Statistics

China Customs Statistics covers the latest statistics on China's imports and exports by countries or regions. It also shows the breakdown figures of major import and export commodities like auto parts, electronics, food, footwear, furniture, garments, timepieces, toys, etc.

China Custom Statistics
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Last revision date: November 2024