Education & Training

Education & Training

Highlights, Public Participation & Contacts

Fluid Grids

Receive EDB Special Announcements on Mobile Devices

The Bureau will issue special announcements concerning schools on EDB website for reference by the general public during tropical cyclones, rainstorm warnings or other special situations. The public can also receive these announcements through mobile devices via the GovHK Notifications mobile app. Check out the details of this app here.

Receive EDB Special Announcements on Mobile Devices

e-Bulletin for Parents

Subscribe to this e-Bulletin for the latest information on education policies and initiatives.

e-Bulletin for Parents

Study Rooms

Check out the locations and contact phone numbers of the study rooms in the territory.

Regional Education Offices (REO)

The REOs in 4 regions and their education development sections in various districts are set up to provide a full range of support services to schools. Check out this website for more information.

Hotline and Contact Numbers of Education Bureau (EDB)

Find the EDB hotline and important contact numbers of the Bureau, including its Regional Education Offices, School Places Allocation and Special Education Services Sections.

Investor and financial education information

The Investor and Financial Education Council provides free and impartial investor and financial education information, tools and resources to the public, aiming to equip people with the knowledge to make informed investment and financial decisions.

Investor and financial education information
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Last revision date: September 2024