Waste Reduction & Recycling
The need to reduce and recycle waste is crucial to Hong Kong, with our large population and rapidly filling disposal facilities. Here you can find out why recycling is important, what the Government is doing to encourage it, how you can recycle waste and where to obtain more information.
Why Reduce and Recycle Waste?
Because Hong Kong has to deal with an unsustainable amount of waste in such a small geographical area, everyone needs to be aware of what we can do to improve the situation. Our landfills will be exhausted soon if waste levels continue to increase at current levels. So we all need to take responsibility and act now.
Waste reduction guidelines and factsheetsWaste Reduction Programmes
Whilst the Government takes the lead, it is essential to involve the whole community in reducing waste. The “Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035” unveiled in February 2021 sets out the vision of "Waste Reduction‧Resources Circulation‧Zero Landfill", and outlines the strategies, goals and measures to tackle the challenge of waste management up to 2035.
More on “Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035”Recycling Electronic Equipment, Rechargeable Batteries, and Fluorescent Lamps/Tubes
The Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), also known as WPRS, has come into effect in 2018. It covers air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, scanners and monitors (collectively referred to as regulated electrical equipment, or REE). Since 1 July 2024, the scope of the enhanced WPRS has covered refrigerators with the maximum storage volume up to 900 litres, washing machines with the maximum washing capacity up to 15 kg, stand-alone tumble dryers and dehumidifiers. Under the WPRS, an REE seller is required to arrange for the consumer a statutory free removal service to collect a used equipment of the same class from the premises designated by the consumer in accordance with the law. Upon purchase of the REE item, the consumer is entitled to request the seller to arrange for delivery of the new item and removal of the used item of the same class on the same day without extra charge.
To properly dispose waste REE (or Regulated WEEE) for recycling, apart from choosing the statutory free removal service arranged by sellers in connection with a purchase of REE, members of the public may also make use of the following services:
Recycling Hotline (2676 8888) / WhatsApp (6081 5096) – members of the public can make an appointment with the Government's recycling service operator of WEEE·PARK for free door-to-door collection service.
GREEN@COMMUNITY - the community recycling network accepts Regulated WEEE for which will be transferred to suitable recyclers for handling.
Other than Regulated WEEE, small household electrical appliances can also be recycled, for example:
- Video or audio equipment
- Fans
- Rice cookers
- Microwave ovens
- Other small household electrical appliances
Rechargeable batteries are used in many types of portable electronic equipment, such as:
- Mobile Phones
- Digital/ Video Cameras
- Notebook Computers
- Power Tools
- Electronic Dictionaries
- Portable Vacuum Cleaners
- Electronic Game Sets
- Power Banks
The public can bring those generated from household to a Collection Point for recycling. Moreover, compact fluorescent lamps and tubes generated from households can also be recycled.
More on recycling of regulated electrical equipmentMore on recycling of electrical appliancesMore on recycling of rechargeable batteriesMore on recycling of fluorescent lamps and tubesMore on recycling of computers and communication productsReduce & Reuse
You can reduce waste both at work and at home with a few simple changes. Here are some tips for you.
At the Office
- Think carefully how many copies you need and do not copy too many.
- Put a single-sided paper collection box and a waste paper recycling box near the photocopiers.
- Single-sided paper can be used as notepads and reusing envelopes.
- Use pencils for drafting rather than pens.
- Use less glue that contains benzene and ethyl acetate – paper clips and pins will often do.
- Use less correction fluid that contains the ozone depleting 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
- Reduce the use of fluorescent pens – you can just underline text instead.
- Bring your own mug so you don't have to use disposable paper cups.
- Communicate through e-mail can reduce paper use.
- Reduce paper towel consumption by installing electric hand dryers.
At Home
- Cut down using gift wrapping paper.
- Use handkerchiefs rather than tissues.
- Avoid buying unnecessary products, think twice before shopping. It is environmentally friendly and saves your money.
- Reduce using plastic bags, bring your own bags.
- Return coat hangers to cleaners.
- Send any unwanted usable electrical appliances, computers, toys and clothing to charity groups.
Source Separating Domestic Waste for Recycling
The Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste, launched in January 2005, aims to increase the quantity of recyclables collected and reduce the amount of waste disposed. This is done by encouraging and assisting property management companies to provide waste separation facilities within their estate / building premises to facilitate residents to separate waste at source.
Residents only need to separate recyclables in their waste by category, such as waste paper, metals, glass bottles and plastics, and then take them to the designated recycling points in their estates. This is very convenient.
Each participating housing estate or building can run periodic large scale collection programmes for specific types of reusable and recyclable materials such as clothing, electronic and electrical appliances, and computers for transfer to recyclers.
More on source separation of domestic wasteSource Separating Commercial & Industrial Waste for Recycling
The Programme on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste, launched in 2007, aims to encourage the property management sector to undertake initiative to set up and implement suitable mechanism to separate and recover waste within commercial & industrial (C&I) premises. This will facilitate the tenants / occupants to practice waste separation and recycling in workplace with ease.
More on source separation of commercial and industrial wasteCommunity Recycling
In addition to waste separation in residential buildings, the public can also bring their recyclables to various collection points set up in the community. The number of public collection points in Hong Kong has now increased to more than 500, including GREEN@COMMUNITY comprising of 11 Recycling Stations emphasising on both environmental education and recycling support, 77 Recycling Stores located in close proximity to clusters of single-block buildings or set up in Public Rental Housing estates and some 350 Recycling Spots operated in the form of kerb-side collection booths, for the collection of 9 common types of recyclables (including waste paper, metals, glass containers, plastics, regulated electrical equipment, small electrical appliances, fluorescent lamps and tubes, rechargeable batteries and beverage cartons). Associated with over 90 sets of Smart Recycling Bin set up at various application points to collect recyclables, like papers, metals, plastics, etc. All collected recyclables are delivered to approved recyclers for proper treatment and turning into resources. In addition to supporting community recycling, GREEN@COMMUNITY helps instil a green lifestyle into the community through organizing various environmental education and promotional activities.
More information on GREEN@COMMUNITYOther Recyclables Outlets
Public can also bring their recyclable materials to various recyclers/ waste collectors for recycling.
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