Housing & Social Services
Housing & Social Services
Social Services
Fluid Grids
Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities
The Scheme enables Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above and eligible persons with disabilities to travel on designated public transport modes and services at a concessionary fare of $2 per trip.
eElderly - Dedicated Portal for the Elderly (Available in Chinese only)
Integrated information and services on practical matters, such as healthcare, social and recreational activities, initiatives of the Elderly Commission and updates on the silver-hair market.
Senior Citizen Card Scheme
The Senior Citizen Card provides a generally recognised proof of age for elders aged 65 or above so as to facilitate their access to concessions, discounts or priority services offered by Government departments, public organisations and commercial establishments. Find out how to apply here.
Opportunities for the Elderly Project
Under the Project, subsidies are provided to various social service organisations, district organisations and educational institutes, etc., to carry out a wide range of programmes in order to provide various opportunities for the elderly persons to unleash their potentials, further their contribution to society and cultivate a sense of self-worthiness.
Community Care and Support Services for the Elderly
Community Care and Support Services assist elders to remain living in the community and give support to carers. Learn about different types of community support services for elders and useful tips for carers here.
Residential Care Services for the Elderly
These services aim to provide residential care and facilities for elders aged 65 or above, who cannot adequately be taken care of at home. Find out more about the services, licensing system for residential care homes and other supporting measures here.
Services for Prevention and Handling of Elder Abuse
This website gives an overview of the services for prevention and handling of elder abuse, such as public education and assistance to the victims, etc.
Social Services and Benefits for the Elderly
A variety of social services and benefits are available to assist elders in different aspects of their daily livings. You can find information about the Community Care and Support Services, Residential Care Services, and relevant social security schemes here.
Housing Society Webpage on Elderly Services
This special website of the Hong Kong Housing Society provides the elderly and their carers with information about elderly services in Hong Kong in terms of medical care, health, rehabilitation, financial support, housing, home care and recreational programmes.
SWD Elderly Information Website
This website provides information about long term care services, licensed residential care homes for the elderly and services provided by recognised service providers under the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly and the Pilot Scheme on Residential Care Service Voucher for the Elderly.
Centre Services
Centre Services include Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres (ICYSCs) and Children and Youth Centres (CYCs). The centres provide services to young people from aged 6 to 24. Check out more details here.
Fee-Waiving Subsidy Scheme under After School Care Programmme (ASCP)
ASCP aims at providing care services for primary school students whose parents are unable to give proper care to them during after-school hours because of work, job search or other reasons. Needy families can apply for full fee waiving, half fee reduction or one-third fee reduction subsidies. Learn more about the scheme here.
Outreaching and Residential Services
Find out more on outreaching and residential services for youth, including District Youth Outreaching Social Work Service, Overnight Outreaching Service for Young Night Drifters, Crisis Residential Service for Youth-at-risk and Back-up Shelter Service for Young Night Drifters.
Support for Victims of Child Abuse
Find out the service and support available for victims of child abuse in Hong Kong, including welfare services, medical and health services, legal aid and how the Police can intervene.
Child Care Services
To assist parents who cannot take care of their young children temporarily because of work or other reasons, the Government subsidies non-governmental organisations to provide child care services. Click out more details here.
Embracing Social Inclusion
Here you can learn about the services the Government offers to help people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, new arrivals and the underprivileged to integrate into the community.
Family Crisis Support Centre
The Family Crisis Support Centre is operated by Caritas – Hong Kong. It aims to assist individual and families in crisis or distress by providing integrated services such as short-term intervention with overnight accommodation and hotline service. Click here to know more about the centre.
Adoption Service
Are you thinking about adopting a child? Find out more about the adoption service provided by the Social Welfare Department and the application procedures here.
Foster Care Service
The Social Welfare Department provides foster care services to children under 18, whose parents cannot adequately take care of them due to family problems or emergency situations. Learn more about the service and the application procedures here. You can also find information on joining the service as foster parents.
Integrated Family Services
Find out more about the services provided by Integrated Family Service Centres here. Check out their locations and service boundaries.
Support for Victims of Child Abuse, Spouse/Cohabitant Battering and Sexual Violence
Find out the service and support available for victims of child abuse, spouse/cohabitant battering and sexual violence in Hong Kong, including welfare services, medical and health services, legal aid and how the Police can intervene.
Harmony at Home
Here you can learn where to look for information on seeking family harmony as well as the support and services offered to families.
Getting a Divorce
Here you will learn what you need to go through when you want to file for a divorce and support services for the persons involved.
Support Service for Separated / Divorce Families
Find out the support service for separated/divorce families, including the Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre, handbook for separated/divorced parents and their children, related activities / programmes, media information and community resources.
Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities
The Scheme enables Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above and eligible persons with disabilities to travel on designated public transport modes and services at a concessionary fare of $2 per trip.
Services and Support for Persons with Disabilities
Find out more about the range of rehabilitation services and vocational training support for people with disabilities, as offered by the Social Welfare Department. You can also learn more about the access support available for the disabled on public transport and in public venues in Hong Kong.
Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Find out more about the recruitment service to employers and service for open employment to job seekers with disabilities provided by the Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department.
Embracing Social Inclusion
Here you can learn about the services the Government offers to help people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, new arrivals and the underprivileged to integrate into the community.
Suicide Prevention Services
The Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre (SCIC) by the Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong provides round-the-clock outreaching service, crisis intervention and counselling to people at moderate or high suicidal risk. Find out more about SCIC’s services here.
Services for Drug Abusers
Learn more about the services available for drug abusers, including community-based and residential treatment, rehabilitation and counselling.
Information on Pathological Gambling
Learn more about pathological gambling, including its causes, early warning signs, prevention and treatment, as well as organisations which offer help.
Outreaching and Residential Services
Find out more on outreaching and residential services for youth, including District Youth Outreaching Social Work Service, Overnight Outreaching Service for Young Night Drifters, Crisis Residential Service for Youth-at-risk and Back-up Shelter Service for Young Night Drifters.
Family Crisis Support Centre
The Family Crisis Support Centre is operated by Caritas – Hong Kong. It aims to assist individual and families in crisis or distress by providing integrated services such as short-term intervention with overnight accommodation and hotline service. Click here to know more about the centre.
Support for Victims of Child Abuse, Spouse/Cohabitant Battering and Sexual Violence
Find out the service and support available for victims of child abuse, spouse/cohabitant battering and sexual violence in Hong Kong, including welfare services, medical and health services, legal aid and how the Police can intervene.
Services for New Arrivals from the Mainland
Check out the services provided by the Home Affairs Department and NGOs to help new arrivals from the Mainland to integrate into the local community.
Embracing Social Inclusion
Here you can learn about the services the Government offers to help people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, new arrivals and the underprivileged to integrate into the community.
Facility and Service Locations of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
A service enabling you to search more than 1,000 service locations of FEHD with their related information. These service locations include the 19 district environmental hygiene offices, public toilets, public bathhouses, public refuse collection points, public markets, cooked food markets, hawker bazaars, cemeteries and crematoria offices, public cemeteries and crematoria.
Community Halls & Centres
The community halls and community centres managed by the Home Affairs Department provide facilities for local organisations to run community building activities. Check out their locations and download forms and guidelines for the booking of facilities
Community Devlopment and Support Services
Learn more about the community development services operated by subvented non-governmental organisations, including Community Centres, Neighbourhood Level Community Development Project, Care and Support Networking Team, and Family Support Networking Teams.