Social Services and Benefits for the Elderly
The Government provides a wide variety of social services and benefits to the elders, including Community Care and Support Services, Residential Care Services and Social Security. Combined with non-governmental support services, these measures ensure that the elders receive the help they need.
Community Care and Support Services
Both the District Elderly Community Centres and the Neighbourhood Elderly Centres satisfy the needs of the elders in terms of education, development, carer support, outreaching and networking, counselling, meals, referrals and drop-in services.
District Elderly Community CentresNeighbourhood Elderly CentresThe elders can also enroll in the social and recreational activities organised by the Social Centres for the Elderly to make better use of their leisure time and build social networks.
Social Centres for the ElderlyTo meet the caring needs of frail elderly persons, centre-based Day Care Centres/Units for the Elderly and home-based Enhanced Home and Community Care Services and Integrated Home Care Services provide a range of care and support services.
Day Care Centres/Units for the ElderlyEnhanced Home and Community Care ServicesIntegrated Home Care ServicesCommunity Care Service Voucher Scheme for the ElderlyResidential Care Services
The elders who lack care and assistance at home can enjoy residential care services for accommodation, personal care, health maintenance and social networking. There are different kinds of residential care homes to meet different care needs of the elders.
Lists of Residential Care Homes for the ElderlyIntroduction of Subvented HomesResidential Care Service Voucher Scheme for the ElderlyCentral Waiting List for Subsidised Long Term Care Services
Since November 2003, the Social Welfare Department has implemented a Central Waiting List for subsidised long-term care services. To apply for subsidised long-term care services, applicants will need to undertake a standardised assessment to confirm their needs and matched them with appropriate services.
Central Waiting List for Subsidised Long Term Care ServicesStandardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly ServicesSocial Security and Benefits
Elders can apply for various social security schemes. The Social Security Allowance Scheme provides a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above, or who are severely disabled.
More on the Social Security Allowance SchemeElders in financial difficulty can also apply for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) to meet their basic needs. Elderly CSSA recipients meeting the prescribed criteria who choose to retire permanently in Guangdong or Fujian provinces can continue to receive cash assistance under the Portable CSSA Scheme.
Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemePortable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeAll Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above can apply for a Senior Citizen Card to access to concessions, discounts or priority services offered by Government departments, public organisations and commercial establishments.
Senior Citizen Card SchemeOther Social Services for the Elderly
Besides the Government, a number of non-governmental and community service organisations provide support, such as the 24-hour emergency alarm system that enables elderly people in danger to speak to an operator.
SWD Elderly Information Website Organisations offering information and services for the elderly