Services and Support for the Bereaved
When someone close to you passes away, you will need all the support you can get to cope with the pain and the many changes in daily life. There are Government services that you may find useful during this difficult time, ranging from death registration, burial arrangement and estate management to financial assistance.
Registering a Death
For deaths resulting from natural causes, a relative or friend of the deceased is required to inform the Government within 14 days of the death through the Death Registries under section 14 of the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, Chapter 174, Laws of Hong Kong. It is a criminal offence if anyone refuses or, without reasonable excuse, omits to register a death as required by the law. Offenders are liable to a maximum penalty of a fine of HK$2,000 or up to six months' imprisonment.
Registration of a Death from Natural CausesDeath RegistriesForms related to deaths registrationIf the death is a result of unnatural or uncertain medical causes, it would be reported to the Coroner by a doctor or a police officer in-charge for further investigation. The Births and Deaths Registrar will complete the death registration within one week after the cause of death is determined by the Coroner and will notify the family members of the deceased in writing.
Arranging a Cremation or Coffin Burial
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) provides services on cremation and burial of bodies and skeletal remains to the public. It has launched the "After-death Arrangements" Thematic Website to provide an integrated platform for the public to access information on its cemeteries and crematoria services.
Introduction of cemeteries and crematoria services managed by the FEHD
Information on booking of cremation service
Available cremation sessions lookup
The FEHD launched the new "Platform for Cemeteries and Crematoria Services" with a view to expediting the processing of cremation applications to provide convenience for the public. Applicants or their proxies / undertakers can complete the application form and make payment online in advance through the system. After pre-payment, they are required to submit the signed application form (FEHB 135), the pre-payment receipt and the originals of relevant documents at FEHD's Hong Kong or Kowloon Cremation Booking Office to go through the cremation application formalities or apply for a token for online cremation booking.
The Government has proposed to introduce a licensing scheme for regulating private columbaria. The Government aims to introduce the Bill into the Legislative Council in the fourth quarter of 2013. Prior to the introduction of the licensing scheme, citizens who wish to purchase niches at private columbaria are advised to read the following tips and information, which may help them to make an informed choice.
Points to note when purchasing private columbarium niches (pdf file)Information on Private ColumbariaRegarding burials, citizens may refer to the links below for more information.
List of public cemeteries managed by the FEHDApplication procedures for burial and exhumation services provided by the FEHDList of licensed undertakers of burialsScattering of Cremated Human Ashes
Scattering of cremated human ashes at sea or in FEHD’s Gardens of Remembrance is another alternative for disposal of cremains. These environmentally friendly ways for disposing of the ashes of the deceased have been gradually accepted by the public. Citizens may, with approval of the FEHD, scatter cremated human ashes in designated Hong Kong waters or in the eight Gardens of Remembrance of the FEHD.
More on the procedures for scattering ashes in Hong Kong watersMore on scattering ashes in Gardens of RemembranceImporting and Exporting Human Remains
If the death occurs overseas and the family wishes to bring the deceased back to Hong Kong or import the exhumed remains for cremation or burial in an urn grave, the applications should be submitted to the Port Health Office of the Department of Health and the FEHD. For the exportation of exhumed remains, application should be made to the FEHD. In the event of exportation of cremated ashes, some countries may require a certificate or permit of cremation. In this connection, families of the deceased can apply to the FEHD for the relevant documents.
Notes on importing and exporting human remainsApplication form for importing human remainsFor exportation of bodies, a permit must be sought from the Deaths Registry.
More on applying for a permit to remove a body from Hong KongEstate Duties and Support Services for Estate Beneficiaries
Since the enactment of the Revenue (Abolition of Estate Duty) Ordinance 2005 on 11 February 2006, the bereaved are no longer required to pay duty on the estates of people who have passed away on or after that date. There is no need for the bereaved to file estate duty affidavits or accounts or to submit any estate duty clearance papers in their application for a grant of representation. However, estate duty is still chargeable on the estates of people who passed away before 11 February 2006.
Information about estate dutyTo exercise the right to handle the deceased’s estate as provided by the law, estate beneficiaries of the deceased may apply for a Grant of Representation to the Probate Registry. The Grant may take the form of a grant of probate, a grant of letters of administration or a grant of letters of administration (with will annexed), depending on whether the deceased has left a will and appointed an executor.
More on Probate RegistryThe Home Affairs Department provides support services for estate beneficiaries of persons who passed away on or after 11 February 2006. The services include:
- issuing a Confirmation Notice to certify that the handling of a small estate wholly made up of money not exceeding $50,000 will be exempted from the relevant intermeddling provisions; and
- issuing relevant certificates to authorise the release of money from the bank account of the deceased person to meet his funeral expenses or the maintenance of his former dependants, and inspection of bank deposit boxes of the deceased person.
Financial Assistance
The Social Welfare Department (SWD) provides 3 Accident Compensation Schemes to help the families of the bereaved in cases of death as a result of road traffic accidents, natural disasters and crimes of violence or by law enforcement officers using weapons in the execution of their duties.
Information about the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance SchemeMore on the Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation SchemeMore on the Emergency Relief FundFor patients who died of AIDS, their families may apply for the Support Fund for HIV / AIDS Patients and their Families, which provide burial grants for those in need.
More on the Support Fund for HIV / AIDS Patients and their FamiliesBereavement Support
The loss of someone close to you can generate emotions you find hard to deal with. The Department of Health offers practical advice on the management of grief and loss as a result of bereavement.
Information about the management of grief and lossMemorial Service
The FEHD provides online memorial service through the “” website. Members of the public may create memorial webpages for their lost loved ones who had used the cemeteries and cremation services provided by the department, or had their cremated ashes kept in public columbaria, or scattered in Gardens of Remembrance or at designated Hong Kong waters. This service enables you to pay tribute and express condolences to your lost loved ones anytime, anywhere. Mobile version provides a simple and user-friendly interface to access the website with mobile device.
Internet Memorial ServiceInternet Memorial Service (Mobile Version)If you want to know more about how to arrange for funerals, please refer to this leaflet.
A Guide to After-Death Arrangements (pdf file)