Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme

The Governments of Hong Kong and Macao introduce the ‘Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (‘HZMB’) Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme’ (the ‘Macao PnR Scheme’). Eligible Hong Kong non-commercial private car owners may go to Macao via the HZMB and park their private car at the East Car Park of HZMB the Frontier Post at Macao Port (‘the Macao Carpark’) for short stay without any quota requirement. The private car owners only need to obtain the requisite vehicle licences and permits from the Hong Kong Government. Drivers and passengers of private cars should park their cars at the Macao Carpark and complete the clearance procedures before interchanging with public transport to travel to other areas of Macao. The Governments of Hong Kong and Macao agreed to set a daily application limit at 400.  Depending on the actual need, the daily limit will be adjusted upon deliberation between the two Governments.

Please read the Application Guide before submitting application.

Application Guide of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme

You can submit applications for the Closed Road Permit with the online service or make an appointment for application for the Closed Road Permit in person or by agent at the Cross Boundary Unit of the Transport Department.



If you wish to pay through this e-service on a device with Kaspersky Internet Security software installed, you should include the link of this e-service (https://crossboundaryvehicles1.td.gov.hk) to Kaspersky Safe Money list (https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Win21.18/en-US/82231.htm) to avoid the potential error message [PAY-E-0000] when making payments. In case the message does appear, you should check with Transport Department at 2804 2600 on the payment status by quoting your transaction reference number.

Online Application for Closed Road Permit for ‘Macao PnR Scheme’Book Appointment for Closed Road Permit Application of "Macao PnR Scheme"Online Enquiry of Application StatusCancellation of the Closed Road Permit for ‘Macao PnR Scheme’

Further information

To learn more about the ‘Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme’, please refer to the following link:

‘Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme’
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Last revision date: September 2024