Job Hunting Tips for the Youth

Before you start your career path, learn about what you should take note of when planning your career and finding jobs.

Youth Employment Start

“Youth Employment Start” (Y.E.S.) provides one-stop, personalised advisory and support services on employment and self-employment for young people aged 15 to 29 who legally reside and work in Hong Kong. Those aged between 18 and 29, who are operating their own businesses with valid Business Registration Certificates, may become business members to enjoy an array of facilities and support services offered exclusively to them.

Using the online service, Y.E.S. members can book a full range of personalised services such as career assessment and consultation, sign up for a wide variety of training programmes and check enrolment status as well as reserve job-search facilities at Y.E.S. Business members can also make reservations for services and facilities specially designed for them such as professional consultation service and business rooms to facilitate their business operations.

If you are a Y.E.S. member and have a registered MyGovHK account, you can now directly access Y.E.S. member zone via MyGovHK. You may log into your MyGovHK account, select “Access Youth Employment Start Member Zone” under the List of Online Services, and follow the steps to link up the two accounts.

More on Y.E.S.Book Y.E.S. Services and FacilitiesBook Y.E.S. Career Consultation and Professional Counselling ServicesSearch for Y.E.S. Training Courses / ActivitiesSearch for Y.E.S. Job FairsAccess or register with MyGovHK

Government Job Opportunities for Youth serves as a single window for young people to gain convenient access to government information. Under the dedicated page on Government jobs, a great many potential civil service posts available to youth are introduced. With the aid of multimedia, young job seekers will know the job nature, challenges, career prospects and tips for application.

In addition, users can obtain the latest information from the Gov Job Facebook page.

Gov Job PageGovJobHK Facebook Page (Chinese Only)

Job Hunting Skills

Need help to pin down the job? ou can find tips on writing a CV, preparing for an interview and information about employment rights here.

Job-seeking advice for the youthJob Hunting Briefcase

Know about Your Rights

As a young employee, you enjoy certain employment rights in terms of working hours, rest days, restrictions on taking up dangerous jobs, etc. Know more about the law here.

Legislation governing the employment of young persons and children

Beware of Employment Traps

Swindlers may take advantage of youngsters' inexperience and lure them into employment traps. This is especially common during summer holidays when many students pour into the job market. Check out the common employment traps below and be cautious in choosing your job.

Beware of employment trapsA guide for students seeking summer jobs (pdf file)TV programme on summer job scams (available in Chinese only)

Protect Your Personal Data

To safeguard your personal data privacy, you should also be cautious in providing your personal data to prospective employers.

Personal Data is Essential - Protect Your Privacy - Job Seeking (pdf file)
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Last review date: June 2024
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