Profits Tax Return, Supplementary Form to Profits Tax Return and Other Form
If you carry on a trade, profession or business in form of a corporation, partnership business or if a non-resident person is chargeable to profits tax in your name, you should complete the Profits Tax return, any required supplementary forms and other forms (IR1478, IR1481 and IR1482) and file to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) by the due date. This article will give you details on Profits Tax returns, the supplementary forms and other forms.
Types of Profits Tax Returns
Profits Tax returns are issued to Corporations and Partnership Businesses for profits tax purposes. Profits from the carrying on of sole proprietorship business should be reported in Tax Return - Individuals (BIR60).
There are 3 series of Profits Tax return forms. You may download a specimen of the tax return forms for reference, but you should not use a printed copy of the specimen form for filing purposes.
Profits Tax Return - Corporations (BIR51)Profits Tax Return - Persons Other Than Corporations (BIR52)Profits Tax Return - In Respect Of Non-Resident Persons (BIR54)Supplementary Forms (S1 to S18 and S20) and Other Forms (IR1478, IR1481 and IR1482)
A supplementary form is part of the Profits Tax Return. You must fill in the supplementary forms, if applicable, to report information on preferential regimes and tax incentives. Other forms (IR1478, IR1481 and IR1482) are also provided this year to report the required information in respect of taxation on specified foreign-sourced income and onshore gain on disposal of equity interests as well as tax concessions for intellectual property income respecitvely. You are required to download the supplementary forms and other forms, as the case may be, and fill in the forms electronically.
All required supplementary forms and other forms must be submitted electronically through the eTAX irrespective of the filing mode of Profits Tax return for any year of assessment from 2018/19 to 2024/25 (both inclusive). In case your Profits Tax return and supporting documents will be submitted in paper form, please print and sign the Control List for Supplementary Form and Other Form (IR1477) and submit the Control List together with the Profits Tax return. The Control List must be signed by the same person signing the tax return. If the tax return will be submitted under the electronic filing or semi-electronic filing mode, please proceed to the Completion Service and the Submission Service. These services will link up to the uploaded data files with the Profits Tax return under the same Profits Tax File Number and Return Identification Number. Please refer to “Uploading of Data Files for Required Forms and Supporting Documents to Profits Tax Return” for further details.
Modes of Return Filing and the corresponding data formats of Required Forms and supporting documents
Below are the supplementary forms to Profits Tax returns and other forms for download:
For year of assessment 2018/19 onwards
- Supplementary Form S1 - Person electing for two-tiered profits tax rates
- Supplementary Form S2 - Transfer pricing
- Supplementary Form S3 - Expenditure on research & development
- Supplementary Form S4 - Expenditure on energy efficient building installation
- Supplementary Form S5 - Ship-owner
- Supplementary Form S6 - Professional reinsurer
- Supplementary Form S7 - Authorized captive insurer
- Supplementary Form S8 - Qualifying corporate treasury centre
- Supplementary Form S9 - Qualifying aircraft lessor
- Supplementary Form S10 - Qualifying aircraft leasing manager
For year of assessment 2020/21 onwards
- Supplementary Form S11 - Qualifying ship lesssor
- Supplementary Form S12 - Qualifying ship leasing manager
- Supplementary Form S13 - Specified insurer
- Supplementary Form S14 - Licensed insurance broker company
- Supplementary Form S15 - Persons deriving eligible carried interest
For year of assessment 2022/23 onwards
- Supplementary Form S16 - Qualifying ship agent
- Supplementary Form S17 - Qualifying ship manager
- Supplementary Form S18 - Qualifying ship broker
- Supplementary Form S20 - Tax concessions for family-owned investment holding vehicle (Formerly named as IR1479)
- IR1478 - Taxation on specified foreign-sourced income
For year of assessment 2023/24 onwards
Who Should File
Newly Registered Business
Generally, a newly registered business will receive its first Profits Tax return some 18 months after the date of commencement of business or the date of incorporation.
Continuing Business - Annual Bulk Issue of Returns
The annual exercise to issue Profits Tax returns in bulk takes place on the first working day of April each year.
Business Not Required to Submit Return Annually
It is the practice of IRD not to call for the annual submission of Profits Tax returns in instances where the trade, profession or business carried on does not give rise to assessable profits or where the trade, profession or business has not commenced or has ceased and not recommenced. However, upon receipt of a Profits Tax return which may be issued from time to time in the course of reviewing your future tax potential, the requirement to lodge the return form must still be complied with.
When to File
Normal Filing Time
Generally, Profits Tax return, any required supplementary forms and other forms should be filed within 1 month from the date of issue. The compliance date of submission is specified on page 1 of the Profits Tax return.
Further Extension for using Electronic Filing
To promote electronic filing, the Department will grant, on application, a further extension of 1 month after the normal due date subject to the condition that Corporations and Partnership Businesses will file the Profits Tax returns through the Internet. Please go to Completion of Profits Tax Return for the conditions that a corporation and a partnership must satisfy in order to use the Internet filing service.
Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of 2023/24 Tax Returns
If your tax representative has duly applied for an extension to file your 2023/24 Profits Tax return under the Block Extension Scheme, the due date is normally extended as follows:
Accounting Date | Extended Due Date | Electronic Filing Extended Due Date |
For N Code Returns (Accounting Date between 1 April to 30 November) |
2 May 2024 | 2 June 2024* |
For D Code Returns (Accounting Date between 1 to 31 December) |
15 August 2024 | 15 September 2024* |
For M Code Returns (Accounting Date between 1 January to 31 March) |
15 November 2024 | 15 December 2024* |
For M Code Returns and Current Year Loss Cases |
31 January 2025* | 31 January 2025* |
* If the extended due date falls on a Sunday or public holiday, it will be extended to the following day which is neither a Sunday nor a public holiday.
In the beginning of each year, IRD publishes a Circular Letter to tax representatives on the IRD website (in the “Tax Representatives’ Corner” under the menu of “Tax Information – Individuals/Businesses”), setting out details of the block extension scheme lodgement arrangements for the year and how the block extension can be applied for.
More information on Block Extension Scheme for Tax RepresentativesApplication for Extension for the Submission of Return
As a general rule, a further extension of time beyond the extended due dates under the Block Extension Scheme will only be granted in the most exceptional circumstances. Any request for such extension should be made in writing with an explanation of why lodgement cannot be made in a timely manner, together with supporting evidence. You should not assume that any further extension will be granted.
Know more about the completion and filing of return and the consequences of failure to submit tax return on time through the following link:
Completion and Filing of Return