Preparations for Moving Home

Moving home involves many tedious and complicated preparations. There are various things to consider including when, where, and how to move. Once these decisions are made, it is important to inform the appropriate government departments and other relevant parties to ensure that all of your records are kept up to date. This will save you from future inconvenience.

Informing the Government of Your Move

Consider making use of the Change of Address Service to update your address record with various government departments and non-governmental organisations in one go. You may need "iAM Smart" / "iAM Smart+" for authentication for some government departments.

More on Change of Address ServiceMore on "iAM Smart"

Informing the Public Utilities

Most of the public utility companies in Hong Kong offer online services which allow you to close your accounts for the previous address, transfer your accounts and open new accounts for your new address.

If you are closing an account with no intention of opening a new one, remember to claim back the deposit (if any) you paid to open that account. To close a water account and request refund of deposit, you should notify the Water Supplies Department at least 14 days in advance.

Here is the list of public utility service providers that you may need to inform about your move:

  • Water Supplies Department
  • Electricity company
  • Gas company
  • Fixed and mobile telecommunication network operator
  • Internet service provider
  • Paid TV service provider
Apply for closing of water accountsApply for taking up of water accountsOpen and close account with CLP and other customer servicesOpen and close account with Hongkong Electric and other customer servicesOpen and close account with Towngas

Redirection of Mail Service

Informing all your family, friends and other organisations of your new address may be time consuming. In the interim, you may find the Mail Redirection Service provided by Hongkong Post a useful way to ensure none of your mail is lost.

Hongkong Post mail redirection service

Donating or Re-selling Your Furniture or Articles

How to handle any unwanted but reusable items during your process of moving home? You may try the Hong Kong Second-hand Exchange community service provided by the Environmental Protection Department for donation or for sale at a nominal charge. You may also drop the items at collection points provided by other organisations in your vicinity. It helps to reduce, reuse and recycle waste in Hong Kong.

Donate Used Household Goods & FurnitureLocation of collection points
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Last revision date: November 2024