

Working Outside HK

Fluid Grids

Working in the Mainland

Find useful information and practical tips for finding jobs and working in the Mainland. You can also search online for mainland jobs offered by Hong Kong companies.

Working in Macao

Find useful information and practical tips for finding jobs and working in Macao.

Working Holiday Scheme

HKSAR residents aged between 18 and 30, through participating in the Working Holiday Scheme/Arrangement, may visit a list of foreign countries for holiday and take up short-term employment there. Learn more about the Scheme/Arrangement and application procedures here.

Contracts for Employment Outside Hong Kong

Foreign employers must set out clearly in a written contract their terms of employment for manual employees and certain non-manual employees they employ to work outside of Hong Kong. The Labour Department can help draw up such contracts and resolve disputes when needed.

Chargeability to Salaries Tax in Hong Kong for Individuals Working Overseas

This article provides information on the territorial concept of taxation used in Hong Kong and how different types of taxpayers are subject to it.

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Last revision date: November 2024