HZMB Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme

The “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (‘HZMB’) Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme” (the “Macao PnR Scheme”) allows eligible Hong Kong non-commercial private car (PC) owners to go to Macao via the HZMB and park their PCs at the East Car Park of the HZMB Frontier Post at Macao Port (Macao Car Park) for a short stay without any quota requirement.


  • Applicant must be the registered owner of a PC registered and licensed in Hong Kong.
  • PC concerned must be driven by not more than two designated drivers when entering the Macao Car Park, one of whom must be the applicant.
  • Designated driver must be a holder of a valid Hong Kong full driving licence with PC entitlement.

Visit Transport Department’s website for the eligibility for applicant and driver:

Application guide of the “Macao PnR Scheme”

1. Apply for the “Closed Road Permit” (CRP) from the Transport Department

Submit a duly completed application form (TD621A) together with the required documents to the Cross Boundary Unit of the Transport Department


Cross Boundary Unit of the Transport Department

Room 1032, 10/F,

Harbour Building,

38 Pier Road,

Central, Hong Kong 

2.    A) Take out vehicle insurances as required by Macao and the Mainland; and       

       B) Upload the Mainland vehicle insurance information at the Mainland’s online filing platform for formal approval of Filing Records.



  • Please note that: according to the press release issued by the Macao Transport Bureau and application guide for Macao PnR Scheme, if applicants have a valid CRP for cross-boundary vehicles travelling between Guangdong and Hong Kong or a valid CRP for Macao PnR Scheme, there is no need to reserve before entering the Macao Car Park. When the real-time remaining parking spaces are less than 600, reservation system will be enabled. As the details of the application procedures (including the fees) as required by the Macao Government are determined by the Macao Government and may be updated from time to time, applicants are advised to obtain information on the latest arrangements and fees by making enquiries to the Macao Transport Bureau by phone at ((853) 8866 6363) or checking the Bureau’s website (https://www.dsat.gov.mo). TD would like to reiterate that the permit holder must comply with all permit conditions when using the issued CRP.
  • Drivers and passengers of PCs should park their cars at the Macao Car Park and complete the clearance procedures before interchanging with public transport to travel to other areas of Macao.
  • To ensure departure on schedule, applicants should allow ample time, particularly when there are long holidays during which the relevant agencies would suspend office operation temporarily, to complete all the relevant formalities.
  • Annual fee for a CRP under application is HK$540.

If applicant would like to apply for a permit with the validity period shorter than one year, the fee is HK$45 per month. Any part of a month will be counted as one month.

  • Applicants are required to complete other formalities as required by the Macao and Mainland government authorities such as purchasing the Mainland compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles, the Macao statutory vehicle insurance, etc.

Since the procedures and price schedules for various formalities are set by the relevant organisations, and may be updated from time to time, applicants are advised to obtain up-to-date information on the required procedures and fees before submitting applications.


Website for the relevant organisation

Hong Kong Federation of Insurers HZMB Insurance Corner

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Last review date: June 2022