Stamp Duty Computation (Share Transfer Document)

Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has developed a simple Stamp Duty Computation Program to help you calculate the stamp duty payable on share transfer instruments (i.e. instrument of transfer and contract notes). All you have to do is to input the consideration or value of shares, then press the “Compute” button. The amount of stamp duty payable will be shown.

Before you proceed, please read the following brief notes:

  • The Stamp Duty payable figure produced by the program is for your information only. Its correctness depends on the data inputted. IRD accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage which may be incurred by its use.
  • This program is only applicable for computing current stamp duty payable on share transfer instruments. Penalty for late stamping is not included in the program.

If you are ready, please first select the type of document to enter the relevant Stamp Duty Computation input page.

Share Transfer DocumentRead about the relevant stamp duty rates
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Last review date: July 2023