Who Can Use This Service
You can make use of this service to submit application for change of employer/investment/educational institution in Hong Kong if you are:
Persons admitted under the following arrangements / schemes (including top-tier employment stream)
- General Employment Policy (GEP)
- Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP)
- Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS)
Persons admitted under GEP as entrepreneurs
Persons with student status (applicable to non-Mainland students)
However, you are not eligible to use the service if:
you are not physically present in Hong Kong at the time of submission;
you will not be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of collection of your “e-Visa”; or
your limit of stay has expired.
Documents to be Submitted Online
The documents you need to submit with your online application will depend on your current immigration status. Documents marked with * are mandatory.
A. Applicant
Employment status (including persons admitted under the GEP, ASMTP and TechTAS)
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable)
- Hong Kong identity card (if any)
- *Release/Resignation letter of previous employment
- Other supporting documents
Persons admitted under the GEP as entrepreneurs
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable)
- Hong Kong identity card (if any)
- *Release/Resignation letter of previous employment
- *Proof of the applicant’s financial standing, e.g. bank statements
- The company's employment contract with or letter of appointment to the applicant containing information about post, salary, other fringe benefits and employment periods
- *Detailed 2-year investment plan which contains details of proposed business activities, amount of investment, creation of local job posts, setting up of an office/showroom/warehouse, etc.
- Proof of company’s business activities, e.g. contracts, invoices or proof of business deals under negotiation
- *Proof of the company’s financial standing, e.g. latest audited financial report, trading profit and loss account, or profits tax return
- Documents with details of company background such as business activities, mode of operation, background/connection of company, product ranges, sources and markets, membership of chamber of commerce (if any) etc. (supported with catalogues, brochures, etc.) [if the applicant has invested in the HKSAR]
- *Tenancy agreements/supporting documents on office set-up
- *Proof of posts created for local employees, e.g. records of monthly contributions to Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme
- *Business Registration Certificate and business registration particulars, e.g. Inland Revenue Department Form 1(a)/Form 1(c) [if the applicant has invested in the HKSAR]
- *Documents filed with the Companies Registry, e.g. Certificate of Incorporation/latest annual return/Incorporation Form (Company Limited by Shares)/Memorandum of Association/Articles of Association
- Licences or certificates for the operation of the business, e.g. relevant licences for financial institutions issued by the Securities and Futures Commission
- Letter indicating valid support by a government-backed programme [For applicants who wish to establish or join in a start-up business supported by a government-backed programme. Examples of government-backed programmes can be found in this website.]
- Other supporting documents
Non-Mainland students
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable)
- Hong Kong identity card (if any)
- *Letter of acceptance from the educational institution
- Applicant's accommodation arrangement [if the applicant is under the age of 18]
- Applicant's financial support, e.g. bank statements, savings account passbooks, tax receipts and salary slips [if the sponsor is the educational institution]
- Other supporting documents
B. Sponsor
Employing company of persons admitted under the GEP and ASMTP
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Employing company’s employment contract with or letter of appointment to the applicant containing information about post, salary, other fringe benefits and employment period
- *Business Registration Certificate@
- *Proof of financial standing (e.g. latest audited financial report, trading profit and loss account, or profit tax return)@
- *Documents with details of company background such as business activities, mode of operation, background/connection of company, product ranges, sources and markets, membership of chamber of commerce (if any), etc. (supported with catalogues, brochures, etc.)@
- *Detailed business plan (e.g. information on source of funds, estimated capital injection, nature/mode of business activities, expected turnover, sales volume, gross and net profit in the coming years, and proposed creation of local job posts, etc.) [for companies newly set up within 12 months only]@
- Other supporting documents
@Submission of the documents is not required if the applicant or the employing company fulfills the facilitation measure(s) under the GEP and ASMTP. For details of the facilitation measures, please visit this website.
Employing company of persons admitted under the TechTAS
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Company’s employment contract with or letter of appointment to the applicant containing information about post, salary, other fringe benefits and employment period
- *Quota allotment letter issued by the Innovation and Technology Commission
- *Business Registration Certificate (not required if the employing company is listed on the Main Board or the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, or has successfully obtained an employment or training visa/entry permit for a non-local staff in the past 24 months immediately before submission of the application)
- Other supporting documents
Sponsor of persons admitted under GEP as entrepreneurs
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *Company chop [for applications in which the sponsor is a company]
- *Business Registration Certificate [for applications in which the sponsor is a company]
- *Hong Kong identity card and/or travel document (pages showing personal particulars, latest condition and limit of stay/landing slip and any amendments made, such as those relating to personal particulars or document validity) and/or latest “e-Visa” (if applicable) [for non-permanent resident of the HKSAR only] [for applications in which the sponsor is an individual]
- Other supporting documents
Sponsor of non-Mainland students
Documents |
Maximum no. of files for upload |
- *School chop [if the sponsor is the educational institution]
- An undertaking that the sponsor is prepared to provide accommodation to the applicant during his/her period of study in Hong Kong [if the applicant is under the age of 18]
- *Sponsor's Hong Kong identity card [for applications in which the sponsor is an individual]
- Sponsor's travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry, and the latest arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) [for non-permanent resident of the HKSAR only] [for applications in which the sponsor is an individual]
- *Proof of the sponsor's financial standing, e.g. bank statements, savings account passbooks, tax receipts and salary slips; and an undertaking that the sponsor is prepared to provide financial support to the applicant during his/her period of study in Hong Kong [for applications in which the sponsor is an individual]
- Other supporting documents
Please note that in the online application process, the applicant and the sponsor / authorised person of the employer / authorised person of the educational institution (if applicable) will be required to fill in an online application form and sign to confirm that all information given in the online application form is correct, complete and true. If the applicant is under the age of 16 (child applicant), the online application form must be signed by his/her parent or legal guardian.
File Formats
Before uploading the required documents you will need to scan them in one of the following formats:
File size: 5Mbytes or below for each file
Colour depth: Grayscale (for documents without photos)
Colour (for documents with photos)
Please ensure that the information you provide is correct. Incorrect information may render your submission invalid.
Supplementary Document Submission
If you have submitted an application for change of employer/investment/educational institution in Hong Kong and received a notification letter from the Immigration Department asking you to provide supplementary documents, you can use the online submission service. The following link will take you to further information on how to submit your supplementary documents online.
Online supplementary document submission
Assistance and Further Information
If you need technical assistance in using the online service, you can call the Immigration e-Services Hotline at (852) 3128 8668 between 7 am and 11 pm daily.
For general enquiries, please call (852) 2824 6111 during office hours (from 8:45 am to 5:15 pm, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday, except public holidays), send a fax to (852) 2877 7711 or send an email to enquiry@immd.gov.hk.
Further information on the online service is available in a set of helpful frequently asked questions (FAQs).
FAQs about online application for change of employment/investment/educational institution in Hong Kong