"Be the Smart Regulator" Programme


Launched in 2007, the "Be the Smart Regulator" Programme aims to improve the efficiency, transparency and business-friendliness of licensing regime, with a view to relieving the compliance costs and administrative burdens of business sectors.


Improvement Areas

The Programme currently covers over 500 business licences, involving 28 bureaux / departments, and continuously improves licensing services in the four areas -

The 4 areas include Business Friendliness, Transparency, Efficiency and Regulatory Review.

2023-24 Programme Achievements

The 2023-24 Programme Achievements are as follows: 28 bureaux/ departments proposed 88 business facilitation measures, covering 309 business licences and 22 affected trades, with annual transactions of 2.8 million.2023-24 Business Facilitation Measures are categorised by nature as follows: Improving guidance on licence application (17 measures, 19% of the total), strengthening support services (28 measures, 32% of the total), and streamlining (43 measures, 49% of the total).


Benefits of 2022-23 Facilitation Measures to the Government and the public


Benefits of 2022-23 Business Facilitation Measures to the government and the public include shortening processing time, saved manpower efforts, reduced administrative costs, shortened turnaround time, reduced business compliance cost, increase ease of accessibility, higher customer satisfaction, improved transparency, and increased certainty on time required. 24% of the measures improved transparency, 55% improved efficiency, and 90% enhanced business-friendliness.


If you would like to receive the latest Business Facilitation news, please email us at dbf@digitalpolicy.gov.hkwith your contact details.

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Last revision date: July 2024

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