Government and Related Organisations Listed by Organisational Structure

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Administration Wing

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

Architectural Services Department

Audit Commission

Auxiliary Medical Service

Buildings Department

Census and Statistics Department

Civil Aid Service

Civil Aviation Department

Civil Engineering and Development Department

Companies Registry

Correctional Services Department

Customs and Excise Department

Department of Health

Department of Justice

Digital Policy Office

Drainage Services Department

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Environmental Protection Department

Fire Services Department

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Government Flying Service

Government Laboratory

Government Logistics Department

Government Property Agency

Highways Department

Home Affairs Department

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (Mainland)

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (Overseas)

Hong Kong Observatory

Hong Kong Police Force

Hongkong Post

Housing Department

Immigration Department

Information Services Department

Inland Revenue Department

Innovation and Technology Commission

Intellectual Property Department

Invest Hong Kong

Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service

Labour Department

Land Registry

Lands Department

Legal Aid Department

Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Marine Department

Official Receiver's Office

Office of the Government Economist

Office of the Communications Authority

Planning Department

Radio Television Hong Kong

Rating and Valuation Department

Registration and Electoral Office

Secretariat, Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance

Social Welfare Department

The Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing

The Treasury

Tourism Commission

Trade and Industry Department

Transport Department

University Grants Committee Secretariat

Water Supplies Department

Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency

Accounting and Financial Reporting Council

Airport Authority, Hong Kong

Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)

Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong

Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education

Communications Authority

Competition Commission

Competition Policy Advisory Group

Construction Industry Council

Consumer Council

Council for the AIDS Trust Fund

Education Commission

Elderly Commission

Electoral Affairs Commission

Employees Retraining Board

Equal Opportunities Commission

Estate Agents Authority

Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute

Hong Kong Arts Centre

Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health

Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.

Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation

Hong Kong Housing Society

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited

Hong Kong Logistics Development Council

Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited

Hong Kong Productivity Council

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited

Hong Kong Tourism Board

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Hospital Authority

Housing Authority

Independent Commission Against Corruption

Independent Police Complaints Council

Insurance Authority

Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation

Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong

Legal Aid Services Council

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

Minimum Wage Commission

MTR Corporation

Occupational Safety and Health Council

Office of the Ombudsman

Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

Official Solicitor's Office

Public Service Commission

Quality Education Fund

Review Body on Bid Challenges

Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal

Securities and Futures Commission

Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority

Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service

Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service

Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service

Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service

Town Planning Appeal Board

Town Planning Board

Transport Complaints Unit, Transport Advisory Committee

Travel Industry Authority

University Grants Committee

Urban Renewal Authority

Vocational Training Council

West Kowloon Cultural District

Women's Commission

Youth Development Commission

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