Government, Law & Order

Government, Law & Order

Legal Advice and Support

Fluid Grids

Legal Advice and Support

How to Get Legal Advice & Assistance

Find out more about how to get legal advice and assistance.

Legal Aid - The Legal Aid Department administers two Legal Aid Schemes

Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme - Criminal Cases

Learn more about the eligibility criteria and application procedures for applying for legal aid in respect of criminal cases.

Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme - Civil Cases

Find out who is eligible and how to apply for legal aid in civil cases.

Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme - Civil Cases

Find out who is eligible and how to apply for legal aid in civil cases for people whose financial resources are over the limit permitted for Ordinary Legal Aid but below a stated amount.

The Duty Lawyer Service

The Duty Lawyer Service

Find out more about details of the Duty Lawyer Service.

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Last review date: September 2024