Government Mobile Applications

Main Content

Government Bureaux and Departments

Civil Engineering and Development Department

Versions available

Fire Services Department

Hong Kong Fire Service Mobile Application
Hong Kong Fire Service Mobile Application
Versions available

Home Affairs Department

Hong Kong Licensed Hotels and Guesthouses
Hong Kong Licensed Hotels and Guesthouses
Versions available

Hong Kong Correctional Services Department

HKCSD Mobile Application
HKCSD Mobile Application
Versions available

Hong Kong Observatory

Versions available
MyWorldWeather (Developed by HKO under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization)
MyWorldWeather (Developed by HKO under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization)
Versions available

Office of the Communications Authority

OFCA Broadband Performance Test
OFCA Broadband Performance Test
Versions available

Social Welfare Department

Senior Citizen Card Scheme
Senior Citizen Card Scheme
Versions available

Tourism Commission

“A Symphony of Lights”
“A Symphony of Lights”
Versions available
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Last revision date: August 2023
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