網上服務 (非本港居民)
網上服務 (非本港居民)
有關 的搜尋結果:

搜尋香港旅遊發展局互動年曆https://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/what-s-new/events.html#event-calendar,Event Calendar, HKTB activities, HKTB events, Tourism Board events, Tourist Board, HK Tourism Board ,旅發局互動年曆, 旅發局年曆, 旅發局活動年曆, 旅發局活動 ,旅发局互动年历, 旅发局年历, 旅发局活动年历, 旅发局活动 ,Check out Events Calendar of Hong Kong Tourism Board ,搜尋香港旅遊發展局互動年曆 ,搜寻香港旅游发展局互动年历
搜尋「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可餐館https://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/plan/qts/restaurants-results.html,QTS restaurants, quality restaurants, good restaurants, QTS scheme ,優質餐館, 優質餐廳, 優質食肆, QTS餐館, QTS餐廳, QTS食肆 ,优质餐馆, 优质餐厅, 优质食肆, QTS餐馆, QTS餐厅, QTS食肆 ,Search for Restaurants Accredited to Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme ,搜尋「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可餐館 ,搜寻「优质旅游服务」计划认可餐馆
搜尋「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶https://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/plan/qts/shops-results.html,QTS shops, QTS retailers, QTS retail merchants, quality shops, good shops, QTS scheme ,優質商戶, 優質商店, 優質零售商, QTS商戶, QTS商店, QTS零售商 ,优质商户, 优质商店, 优质零售商, QTS商户, QTS商店, QTS零售商 ,Search for Shops Accredited to Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme ,搜尋「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶 ,搜寻「优质旅游服务」计划认可商户
搜尋持牌酒店或賓館https://www.hadla.gov.hk/tc/licensing_matters/hotels/overview.php,licenced hotels, licensed guesthouses, licenced guesthouses ,有牌酒店或賓館, 持牌賓館, 有牌賓館, 持牌旅館, 有牌旅館 ,有牌酒店或宾馆, 持牌宾馆, 有牌宾馆, 持牌旅馆, 有牌旅馆 ,Search for Licensed Hotels and Guesthouses ,搜尋持牌酒店或賓館 ,搜寻持牌酒店或宾馆
申請沙頭角旅遊禁區許可證https://www.es.police.gov.hk/eserv-online-portal-ui/#/pages/e-services-application-forms/10,Police, Hong Kong Police Force, HKPF, Security Bureau, SB, Sha Tau Kok, Closed Area, T-CAP, Closed Area Permit, Restricted Area Permit, Electronic Permit, Salmon House, Sun and Moon Pavilion, San Lau Street, Che Ping Street, Chung Ying Street, Sha Tau Kok Pier, Cape of Sha Tau Kok, Sha Tau Kok Village ,警務處, 警察, 保安局, 沙頭角, 禁區, 旅遊, 邊境禁區許可證, 禁區紙, 禁區證, 旅遊禁區證, 電子禁區證, 三文魚屋, 日月亭, 新樓街, 車坪街, 中英街, 沙頭角碼頭, 沙頭角之角, 沙頭角邨 ,警务处, 警察, 保安局, 沙头角, 禁区, 旅游, 边境禁区许可证, 禁区纸, 禁区证, 旅游禁区证, 电子禁区证, 三文鱼屋, 日月亭, 新楼街, 车坪街, 中英街, 沙头角码头, 沙头角之角, 沙头角邨 ,Apply for Tourism Closed Area Permit (T-CAP) to Sha Tau Kok ,申請沙頭角旅遊禁區許可證 ,申请沙头角旅游禁区许可证
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申請根據高端人才通行證計劃來港https://www.gov.hk/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyttps.htm,Top Talent Pass Scheme, TTPS, talent admission, talent, working in Hong Kong, living in Hong Kong, working in Hong Kong application, working visa, working visa application ,高端人才通行證計劃, 高才通, 吸引人才, 人才, 來港工作, 來港生活, 申請來港工作, 工作簽證, 申請工作簽證 ,高端人才通行证计划, 高才通, 吸引人才, 人才, 来港工作, 来港生活, 申请来港工作, 工作签证, 申请工作签证 ,Apply for Entry to Hong Kong under the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) ,申請根據高端人才通行證計劃來港 ,申请根据高端人才通行证计划来港
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申請專業人士來港就業(適用於一般就業政策/輸入內地人才計劃)/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyemployment.htm,Employment, GEP, ASMTP, Working, working in Hong Kong, working in Hong Kong application, working visa, working visa application ,就業, 一般就業政策, 輸入內地人才計劃, 工作, 來港工作, 申請來港工作, 工作簽證, 申請工作簽證 ,就业, 一般就业政策, 输入内地人才计划, 工作, 来港工作, 申请来港工作, 工作签证, 申请工作签证 ,Apply for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong (under the General Employment Policy [GEP] or the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals [ASMTP]) ,申請專業人士來港就業(適用於一般就業政策/輸入內地人才計劃) ,申请专业人士来港就业(适用于一般就业政策/输入内地人才计划)
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申請根據科技人才入境計劃來港就業/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applytechtas.htm,TechTAS, Technology Talent Admission Scheme, Entry for Technology Talent, Apply Entry for Technology Talent, Apply Technology Talent Admission Scheme, Technology Talent Admission Scheme Visa, Technology Talent Admission Visa, Technology Talent, Entry Permit for Technology Talent Admission Scheme, Entry Permit for Technology Talent Admission , 科技人才入境計劃, 科技人才入境, 申請科技人才入境, 申請科技人才入境計劃,科技人才入境計劃簽證, 科技人才入境簽證, 科技人才 , 科技人才入境計劃進入許可 , 科技人才入境進入許可 , 科技人才入境计划, 科技人才入境, 申请科技人才入境, 申请科技人才入境计划,科技人才入境计划签证, 科技人才入境签证, 科技人才 , 科技人才入境计划进入许可 , 科技人才入境进入许可 ,Apply for Entry for Employment in Hong Kong under Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS) ,申請根據科技人才入境計劃來港就業 ,申请根据科技人才入境计划来港就业
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申請企業家來港投資/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyinvestment.htm,Investment as Entrepreneurs, Entry as Entrepreneurs, Entry for Investment, Apply Entry for Investment as Entrepreneurs, Apply Entry as Entrepreneurs, Apply Entry for Investment, Apply Visa for Entry for Investment as Entrepreneurs, Apply Visa for Entry for Investment, Visa for Entry for Investment as Entrepreneurs, Visa for Entry for Investment ,企業家來港投資, 企業家來港, 來港投資, 申請企業家來港投資,申請企業家來港, 申請來港投資, 申請企業家來港投資簽證, 申請來港投資簽證 , 企業家來港投資簽證 , 來港投資簽證 ,企业家来港投资, 企业家来港, 来港投资, 申请企业家来港投资,申请企业家来港, 申请来港投资, 申请企业家来港投资签证, 申请来港投资签证 , 企业家来港投资签证 , 来港投资签证 ,Apply for Entry for Investment as Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong ,申請企業家來港投資 ,申请企业家来港投资
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申請來港受訓/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applytraining.htm,Training, Training in Hong Kong, Training Visa in Hong Kong, Apply Training in Hong Kong, Training Visa, Apply Training Visa in Hong Kong, Training Entry Permit in Hong Kong, Training Entry Permit, Apply Training Permit in Hong Kong ,受訓, 來港受訓, 來港受訓簽證, 申請來港受訓, 受訓簽證, 申請來港受訓簽證 , 來港受訓進入許可 , 受訓進入許可 , 申請來港受訓進入許可 ,受训, 来港受训, 来港受训签证, 申请来港受训, 受训签证, 申请来港受训签证 , 来港受训进入许可 , 受训进入许可 , 申请来港受训进入许可 ,Apply for Entry for Training in Hong Kong ,申請來港受訓 ,申请来港受训
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申請根據補充勞工優化計劃(前稱補充勞工計劃)來港就業/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyimportedworker.htm,Supplementary Labour Scheme, Imported Workers, Entry under Supplementary Labour Scheme, Entry as Imported Workers, Entry for Employment as Imported Workers, Apply Entry for as Imported Workers, Apply Entry for Employment as Imported Workers, Apply Visa for Entry for Employment as Imported Workers, Apply Visa under Supplementary Labour Scheme, Apply ,補充勞工計劃, 輸入勞工, 根據補充勞工計劃來港, 輸入勞工來港 , 輸入勞工來港就業,申請輸入勞工來港, 申請輸入勞工來港就業, 申請輸入勞工來港就業簽證, 申請補充勞工計劃簽證 , 輸入勞工來港就業簽證 , 輸入勞工簽證 , 補充勞工計劃簽證 , 勞工 ,补充劳工计划, 输入劳工, 根据补充劳工计划来港, 输入劳工来港 , 输入劳工来港就业,申请输入劳工来港, 申请输入劳工来港就业, 申请输入劳工来港就业签证, 申请补充劳工计划签证 , 输入劳工来港就业签证 , 输入劳工签证 , 补充劳工计划签证 , 劳工 ,Apply for Entry for Employment under the Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (formerly known as Supplementary Labour Scheme) in Hong Kong ,申請根據補充勞工優化計劃(前稱補充勞工計劃)來港就業 ,申请根据补充劳工优化计划(前称补充劳工计划)来港就业
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申請根據院舍輸入護理員特別計劃來港就業https://www.gov.hk/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyicw.htm,Special Scheme to Import Care Workers for Residential Care Homes, ICW, imported care workers, Special Scheme, residential care homes, RCHs, working in Hong Kong, working in Hong Kong application, working visa, working visa application ,院舍輸入護理員特別計劃, 輸入護理員, 特別計劃, 院舍, 申請來港工作, 工作簽證, 申請工作簽證 ,院舍输入护理员特别计划, 输入护理员, 特别计划, 院舍, 申请来港工作, 工作签证, 申请工作签证 ,Apply for Entry for Employment under Special Scheme to Import Care Workers for Residential Care Homes in Hong Kong ,申請根據院舍輸入護理員特別計劃來港就業 ,申请根据院舍输入护理员特别计划来港就业
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申請根據行業輸入勞工計劃來港就業https://www.gov.hk/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyslis.htm,Sector-specific Labour Importation Schemes, imported labour, Sector-specific Schemes, sector labour, working in Hong Kong, working in Hong Kong application, working visa, working visa application ,行業輸入勞工計劃, 行業輸入勞工, 行業計劃, 行業, 申請來港工作, 工作簽證, 申請工作簽證 ,行业输入劳工计划, 行业输入劳工, 行业计划, 行业, 申请来港工作, 工作签证, 申请工作签证 ,Apply for Entry for Employment under Sector-specific Labour Importation Schemes in Hong Kong ,申請根據行業輸入勞工計劃來港就業 ,申请根据行业输入劳工计划来港就业
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申請優秀人才入境計劃/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyqmas.htm,QMAS, Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, Entry for Quality Migrant, Apply Entry for Quality Migrant, Apply Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa, Quality Migrant Admission Visa, Quality Migrant, Entry Permit for Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, Entry Permit for Quality Migrant Admission ,優秀人才入境計劃, 優秀人才入境, 申請優秀人才入境, 申請優秀人才入境計劃,優秀人才入境計劃簽證, 優秀人才入境簽證, 優秀人才 , 優秀人才入境計劃進入許可 , 優秀人才入境進入許可 ,优秀人才入境计划, 优秀人才入境, 申请优秀人才入境, 申请优秀人才入境计划,优秀人才入境计划签证, 优秀人才入境签证, 优秀人才 , 优秀人才入境计划进入许可 , 优秀人才入境进入许可 ,Apply for Entry to Hong Kong under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) ,申請優秀人才入境計劃 ,申请优秀人才入境计划
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申請根據新資本投資者入境計劃來港https://www.gov.hk/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applynewcies.htm,New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, investment, New CIES, CIES, investing in Hong Kong, capital investment ,新資本投資者入境計劃, 資本投資者, 資本投資, 投資, 申請來港投資 ,新资本投资者入境计划, 资本投资者, 资本投资, 投资, 申请来港投资 ,Apply for Entry to Hong Kong under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES) ,申請根據新資本投資者入境計劃來港 ,申请根据新资本投资者入境计划来港
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申請以受養人身份來港居留/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applydependant.htm,Residence as Dependants, Entry as Dependants, Entry for Residence, Apply Entry for Residence as Dependants, Apply Entry as Dependants, Apply Entry for Residence, Apply Visa for Entry for Residence as Dependants, Apply Visa for Entry for Residence, Visa for Entry for Residence as Dependants, Visa for Entry for Residence ,受養人來港居留, 受養人來港, 來港居留, 申請受養人來港居留, 申請受養人來港,申請來港居留, 申請受養人來港居留簽證, 申請來港居留簽證 , 受養人來港居留簽證 , 來港居留簽證 ,受养人来港居留, 受养人来港, 来港居留, 申请受养人来港居留, 申请受养人来港,申请来港居留, 申请受养人来港居留签证, 申请来港居留签证 , 受养人来港居留签证 , 来港居留签证 ,Apply for Entry for Residence as Dependants in Hong Kong ,申請以受養人身份來港居留 ,申请以受养人身份来港居留
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申請來港就讀/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applystudy.htm,Entry for Study in Hong Kong, Study in Hong Kong, Apply Entry for Study in Hong Kong, Apply Study in Hong Kong, Apply Entry for Study, Apply Visa for Entry for Study in Hong Kong, Apply Visa for Entry for Study, Apply Visa for Study, Visa for Entry for Study in Hong Kong, Apply Entry Permit for Study in Hong Kong, Entry Permit for Study in Hong Kon ,來港就讀, 來港升學, 申請來港就讀,申請來港升學, 申請來港就讀簽證, 申請來港升學簽證 , 來港就讀簽證 , 來港升學簽證 , 申請來港就讀進入許可, 申請來港升學進入許可 , 來港就讀進入許可 , 來港升學進入許可, 讀書簽證 ,来港就读, 来港升学, 申请来港就读,申请来港升学, 申请来港就读签证, 申请来港升学签证 , 来港就读签证 , 来港升学签证 , 申请来港就读进入许可, 申请来港升学进入许可 , 来港就读进入许可 , 来港升学进入许可, 读书签证 ,Apply for Entry for Study in Hong Kong ,申請來港就讀 ,申请来港就读
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申請來港旅遊/過境/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyvisit_transit.htm,Visit, Transit, Travel, Visit Hong Kong, Travel to Hong Kong, Apply Visit Visa, Apply Transit Visa, Apply Visit Visa to Hong Kong, Apply Transit Visa to Hong Kong, Visit to Hong Kong ,旅遊, 過境, 旅行, 來港旅遊, 來港旅行, 申請旅遊簽證 , 申請過境簽證 , 申請來港旅遊簽證 , 申請來港過境簽證 , 來港訪問 ,旅游, 过境, 旅行, 来港旅游, 来港旅行, 申请旅游签证 , 申请过境签证 , 申请来港旅游签证 , 申请来港过境签证 , 来港访问 ,Apply for Entry for Visit / Transit in Hong Kong ,申請來港旅遊/過境 ,申请来港旅游/过境
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申請工作假期計劃/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyworkingholiday.htm,Working Holiday, Working Holiday Scheme, Working Holiday Visa, Apply Working Holiday Visa, Entry to Hong Kong for Working Holiday, Working Holiday in Hong Kong, Working Holiday Application ,工作假期, 工作假期計劃, 工作假期簽證, 申請工作假期簽證, 來港工作假期, 香港工作假期 , 工作假期申請 ,工作假期, 工作假期计划, 工作假期签证, 申请工作假期签证, 来港工作假期, 香港工作假期 , 工作假期申请 ,Apply for Working Holiday ,申請工作假期計劃 ,申请工作假期计划
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申請由台灣來港旅遊入境許可證(一次/多次入境)/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applytwnvisit.htm,Visit, Travel, Visit Hong Kong from Taiwan, Travel to Hong Kong from Taiwan, Entry Permit for Visit Hong Kong from Taiwan, Apply Visit Hong Kong from Taiwan, Apply Travel Hong Kong from Taiwan, Apply Entry Permit for Visit Hong Kong from Taiwan ,旅遊, 旅行, 台灣來港旅遊, 台灣來港旅行, 台灣來港旅遊進入許可,申請台灣來港旅遊 , 申請台灣來港旅行,申請台灣來港旅遊進入許可 ,旅游, 旅行, 台湾来港旅游, 台湾来港旅行, 台湾来港旅游进入许可,申请台湾来港旅游 , 申请台湾来港旅行,申请台湾来港旅游进入许可 ,Apply for an Entry Permit to Visit the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) from Taiwan (One Entry / Multiple Entries) ,申請由台灣來港旅遊入境許可證(一次/多次入境) ,申请由台湾来港旅游入境许可证(一次/多次入境)
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申請內地漁工進入許可/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applymfd.htm,Mainland fisherman, Fisherman deckhand, Mainland fisherman deckhand, entry permit for Mainland fisherman deckhand ,內地漁工, 漁工, 內地漁工進入許可 ,内地渔工, 渔工, 内地渔工进入许可 ,Apply for Entry Permit for Mainland Fisherman Deckhands ,申請內地漁工進入許可 ,申请内地渔工进入许可
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申請香港特別行政區旅遊通行證/tc/nonresidents/visarequire/visasentrypermits/applyhksartp.htm,Visit, Travel, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Travel Pass, Travel Pass, HKSAR Travel Pass, HK Travel Pass, Hong Kong Travel Pass ,旅遊, 旅行, 香港特別行政區旅遊通行證, 旅遊通行證, 香港特區旅遊通行證 , 香港旅遊通行證 ,旅游, 旅行, 香港特别行政区旅游通行证, 旅游通行证, 香港特区旅游通行证 , 香港旅游通行证 ,Apply for HKSAR Travel Pass ,申請香港特別行政區旅遊通行證 ,申请香港特别行政区旅游通行证
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申請非本地畢業生留港/回港就業安排/tc/residents/immigration/nonpermanent/applyiang/npr.htm,IANG, Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates, Graduates, Student ,非本地畢業生留港/回港就業安排, 畢業, 學生 ,非本地毕业生留港/回港就业安排, 毕业, 学生 ,Apply for Entry under Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) ,申請非本地畢業生留港/回港就業安排 ,申请非本地毕业生留港/回港就业安排
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申請輸入中國籍香港永久性居民第二代計劃/tc/residents/immigration/nonpermanent/secondgenerationhkpr/index.htm,ASSG, Admission Scheme for the Second Generation ,第二代, 輸入中國籍香港永久性居民第二代計劃 ,第二代, 输入中国籍香港永久性居民第二代计划 ,Apply for Entry under the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents ,申請輸入中國籍香港永久性居民第二代計劃 ,申请输入中国籍香港永久性居民第二代计划
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申請新聘外籍家庭傭工的入境簽證/tc/residents/immigration/nonpermanent/entryvisafornewfdh.htm,Foreign Domestic Helper, Domestic Helper ,外籍家庭傭工, 外傭 ,外籍家庭佣工, 外佣 ,Apply for Entry Visa for New Foreign Domestic Helper ,申請新聘外籍家庭傭工的入境簽證 ,申请新聘外籍家庭佣工的入境签证
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申請台灣居民預辦入境登記https://www.immd.gov.hk/hkt/services/visas/pre-arrival_registration_for_taiwan_residents.html,Immigration Department, Taiwan Residents Pre-arrival Registration ,入境事務處, 入境處, 申請預辦入境登記, 查詢預辦入境登記 ,入境事务处, 入境处, 申请预办入境登记, 查询预办入境登记 ,Apply for Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Residents ,申請台灣居民預辦入境登記 ,申请台湾居民预办入境登记
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申請印度國民預辦入境登記https://www.immd.gov.hk/hkt/services/visas/pre-arrival_registration_for_indian_nationals.html,Indian Nationals Pre-arrival Registration, Indian PAR, Immigration Department ,印度國民網上預辦入境登記, 印度國民網上入境登記, 印度國民申請預辦入境登記, 入境事務處, 入境處 ,印度国民网上预办入境登记, 印度国民网上入境登记, 印度国民申请预办入境登记, 入境事务处, 入境处 ,Apply for Pre-arrival Registration for Indian Nationals ,申請印度國民預辦入境登記 ,申请印度国民预办入境登记
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申請延長逗留期限(適用於訪港旅客)https://www.immd.gov.hk/hkt/online-services/applyextensionstay/visitor.html,Visit, Travel, Extension of stay, Visitors, Extension of stay for visitors ,旅遊, 旅行, 延長逗留期限, 訪港旅客, 訪港旅客延長逗留期限 ,旅游, 旅行, 延长逗留期限, 访港旅客, 访港旅客延长逗留期限 ,Apply for Extension of Stay (for Visitors) ,申請延長逗留期限(適用於訪港旅客) ,申请延长逗留期限(适用于访港旅客)
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查詢簽證申請狀況/tc/residents/immigration/nonpermanent/appstatusenq.htm,permit application status, visa application status, id card application status, identity card application status, apply for id card, apply for identity card, Immigration Department, hkid card, hk id card ,簽證申請情況, 簽証申請情況, 入境許可證, 入境許可証, 身份証, 入境事務處, 入境處 ,签证申请情况, 入境许可, 入境许可证, 身份证, 入境事务处, 入境处 ,Enquire about Visa Application Status ,查詢簽證申請狀況 ,查询签证申请状况
申請出入境紀錄證明https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/records/str.htm,statement of travel records, statement of travel record, travel records, travel record, records, record ,出入境紀錄證明, 出入境紀錄, 紀錄 ,出入境纪录证明, 出入境纪录, 纪录 ,Apply for a Statement of Travel Records ,申請出入境紀錄證明 ,申请出入境纪录证明
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根據個人資料(私隱)條例提出查閱資料要求https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/records/dataaccessrequest.htm,Data Access Request, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, PDPO ,個人資料(私隱)條例, 個人資料, 私隱, 查閱資料 ,个人资料(私隐)条例, 个人资料, 私隐, 查阅资料 ,Make a Data Access Request under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ,根據個人資料(私隱)條例提出查閱資料要求 ,根据个人资料(私隐)条例提出查阅资料要求
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根據「公開資料守則」索取資料https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/records/onlineaccessinfo.htm,Access to Information, Code on Access to Information ,公開資料守則, 公開資料, 索取資料 ,公开资料守则, 公开资料, 索取资料 ,Apply for Access to Information under the Code on Access to Information ,根據「公開資料守則」索取資料 ,根据「公开资料守则」索取资料
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索取文件副本/核證副本https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/records/sfim433.htm,copy of a document, certified copy of a document, request for a copy of a document, request for a certified copy of a document" ,索取文件副本, 索取文件核證副本, 文件副本, 文件核證副本 ,索取文件副本, 索取文件核证副本, 文件副本, 文件核证副本 ,Request for a Copy / Certified Copy of a Document ,索取文件副本/核證副本 ,索取文件副本/核证副本
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申請船員紀錄https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/records/sfim1104.htm,ship, crew, crew records, crew record, record, records ,船員, 船員紀錄, 船, 紀錄 ,船员, 船员纪录, 船, 纪录 ,Apply for Records of Member of the Crew of a Ship ,申請船員紀錄 ,申请船员纪录
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