Government Structure

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This page covers the scope of governance in Hong Kong, from implementation of the Basic Law to the branches of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

The Basic Law

According to the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a local administrative region of the People's Republic of China, which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy except in defence and foreign affairs. The Basic Law guarantees that the principles and policies regarding Hong Kong will remain unchanged for 50 years, and lays down an executive-led system headed by the Chief Executive. Hong Kong enjoys executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication.

More on the Basic Law

The Chief Executive

The Chief Executive is the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as well as the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. He or she is elected by a broadly representative Election Committee in accordance with the Basic Law, and is appointed by the Central People's Government. The Chief Executive is responsible for implementing the Basic Law, signing bills and budgets, promulgating laws, making decisions on government policies and issuing Executive Orders, etc. He or she is assisted in policy making by the Executive Council.

More on the Chief Executive's activities

Executive Council

The Executive Council assists the Chief Executive in policy-making and advises the Chief Executive on matters relating to the introduction of bills and subordinate legislation. The Council comprises 21 principal officials and 16 non-officials. All members are appointed by the Chief Executive from among the principal officials of the executive authorities, members of the Legislative Council and public figures. They serve for a period no longer than the expiry of the Chief Executive's term of office.

More on the Executive Council

The Government

The main administrative and executive functions of government are carried out by policy bureaux and departments.

Organisation Chart of the HKSAR GovernmentPrincipal officialsPermanent secretaries and heads of government departments

The civil service employs approximately 173,600 persons (excluding judges, judicial officers, ICAC officers and locally engaged staff working in Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices outside Hong Kong), or about 4.6 per cent of the Hong Kong's labour force. It supports the Chief Executive and the Government in formulating, explaining and implementing policies; providing administrative support; delivering public services; and undertaking law enforcement and regulatory functions.

More on Hong Kong's civil service

Legislative Council

The Legislative Council is the legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Seventh Legislative Council comprises 90 Members, of whom 40 were returned by the Election Committee, 30 were returned by Functional Constituencies, and 20 were returned by Geographical Constituencies through direct elections. Apart from its law-making function, the Legislative Council debates issues of public interests, examines and approves budgets, receives and debates the Chief Executive’s policy addresses, and endorses the appointment and removal of the judges of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court.

More on the Legislative CouncilMore on improving the electoral system

District Councils

The seventh-term District Councils (DCs) commenced on 1 January 2024. The District Councils are comprised of 470 seats (including 179 appointed seats, 176 District Committees constituencies seats, 88 District Council geographical constituencies seats and 27 ex officio seats assumed by chairmen of the rural committees in the New Territories). The main function of DCs is to be consulted by the Government on the district affairs affecting the livelihood and living environment in the District and well-being of the people in the District. DC members also regularly meet with the public in order to collect opinions from various aspects, and provide services for people in the district, such as consultation and case referral services. Under the coordination of the Government, the DCs cooperate with other district consultative and service organisations to achieve the best results in serving the people in the district.

More on the District Councils

The Judiciary

The Basic Law ensures that Hong Kong remains within the common law system under the "One Country, Two Systems" arrangement. As prescribed in the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enjoys independent judicial power, including the power of final adjudication. It has also been stated in express terms that the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. As reflected in their judicial oath, in exercising their judicial power, judges are constitutionally required to determine and handle cases strictly in accordance with the law and legal principles. The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in Hong Kong and the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal is the head of the Judiciary.

More on the Judiciary and the laws of Hong Kong
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Last revision date: June 2024