Water Quality in Hong Kong

Drinking Water Quality

Safe drinking water is vital to your health and to the continued development of Hong Kong. Find an overview of how the Water Supplies Department provides drinking water for Hong Kong, and the processes involved in safeguarding its quality.

River Water Quality

The potential for pollution in Hong Kong's rivers and streams is a significant threat, given the large concentrations of population around the many waterways. Learn about the state of our rivers and the Government's work in ensuring the highest environmental standard are met.

River Water Quality

Beach Water Quality

Hong Kong's beaches are some of the finest in the region. Find out about the monitoring programme on bathing beaches and what the Government is doing to ensure your health on every beach.

Marine Water Quality

The sea is our valuable asset for supporting marine life, mariculture, fisheries, recreation, navigation, etc. Learn about how the Government protects and monitors marine water quality, and where you can obtain water quality information for various waters.

Marine Water Quality

Red Tide Information

Red tides or algal blooms are natural discolorations of seawater caused by the rapid multiplication of algae. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department acts as the coordinator of the Red Tide Reporting Network, receiving red tide reports, conducting investigations, providing warnings of the associated risk to marine fish farmers and outlining appropriate measures to reduce loss.