Cross-boundary Vehicles Travelling between Guangdong and Hong Kong

Cross-boundary Driving

Find out the general requirements for driving across the boundary and the steps one should take for applying the required licences and permits.

Self-drive to Guangdong Province

This article introduce the application procedures of the “Ad Hoc Quota Trial Scheme for Cross Boundary Private Car” and the related travel information and points to note.

Application for Closed Road Permits for access to boundary control points

You need a permit to drive in restricted areas including control points between Hong Kong and the Mainland like Lok Ma Chau, Huanggang or Shenzhen Bay Port. Download the application form here for Closed Road Permits to access the boundary control points.

Online Application for Ad Hoc Quotas for Cross Boundary Private Cars

You can experience self-driving to the Guangdong Province via the Shenzhen Bay Port by submitting application anytime with the online service provided by the Transport Department.

Application for a Mainland Driving Licence

Holder of a valid Hong Kong full driving licence can apply for a Mainland driving licence for small vehicle and motorcycle. Application must be made in person in one of the Vehicle Administration Office in Guangdong. More application details are available here.