Gifted Education

Rationale and Principles of Gifted Education Policy in Hong Kong

The mission of gifted education is to fully explore and develop the potential of gifted students systematically and strategically by providing them with opportunities to receive education at appropriate levels in a flexible teaching and learning environment.

Implementation of Gifted Education in Hong Kong

The Education Bureau encourages schools to adopt the "Three-Tier Implementation Model" to plan and implement their school-based gifted education. The core elements advocated in gifted education, i.e. higher-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence should also be immersed in whole-school curriculum planning of Level 1 and 2.

Gifted Education Fund

The Gifted Education Fund set up by the Education Bureau supports the development of gifted education in Hong Kong. This website has information about the fund.

Gifted Education Resources and Support

Please explore the services and resources offered by the Education Bureau to help gifted children fully explore and develop their potential.